Research domains:
- Life course
- Gender and ethnic discrimination on the labor market
- Work family balance
- Time use
- Working conditions
- Employment status and fertility
- Covid-19
- Transition to adulthood of immigrants and second-generation immigrants
- Public policy evaluation
- Advanced quantitative methods, survey design
Trajectories and Origins 2 (TeO2)
Private transfers, public transfers and inequality
Ethno-racial diversity and social stratification (DIVETHNO)
Evolutions of Work-Life Balance over the working live
From housing to “the private world” in France
Anne Solaz et Ariane Pailhé Men’s and women’s participation in household and parentin
Read the interviewPailhé, A., Solaz, A., & Stanfors, M. (2021). The Great Convergence: Gender and Unpaid Work in Europe and the United States. Population and Development Review. Pailhé, A., Solaz, A., & Souletie, A. (2019). How Do Women and Men Use Extra Time? Housework and Childcare after the French 35-Hour Workweek Regulation. European Sociological Review, 35(6), 807‑824. > Lien
Ferrari G., Pailhé A., 2017, Transition to Adulthood in France: Do children of immigrants differ from natives? Advances in life course research, vol. 31, p. 34–56. > Lien
Dupray A., Pailhé A., 2017, Does employment uncertainty particularly impact fertility of children of North African immigrants in France? A gender perspective Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1313107 > Lien
Pailhé A., 2015, "Partnership Dynamics across Generations of Immigration in France: Structural vs. Cultural Factors", Demographic Research 33(16) > Link
Matteazzi E., Pailhé A., Solaz A., 2014, “Part-Time wage penalties for women in prime age: a matter of selection or segregation? Evidence from four European countries”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 67(3): 955-985 > Link
Joseph O., Pailhé A., Recotillet I., Solaz A., 2013, “The economic impact of taking short parental leave: Evaluation of a French reform”, Labour economics, 25: 63-75 > Link
- PI of the French Life Course Observatory
- PI of the Project TeleGenre: Telework, gender inqualities and wellbeing during COVID-19
- Co-Leader of the longitudinal national representative survey FamEmp
- Associate Editor of the European Journal of Population
- Member of the board of the European Consortium for Sociological Research
- Leader of the working group on couple formation, Trajectories and Origins survey 2
- Leader of the working group on Economic and time use aspects - ELFE survey
- Co-leader of the Work-package Diverse family configurations – Life goals and life course transitions, Families and Societies Project
- Member of the management committee of the European research group Labor market and gender in Europe"
- Supervision of doctoral students, INED