See the Te02 website:
See the Te01 website:
The « Trajectoires et Origins 2 » survey (TeO2) is the second installment of a joint INED-INSEE statistical survey, TeO, conducted in 2008-2009, that established national statistics on population diversity in metropolitan France and studied the influence of migrant origin on individual outcomes. TeO2 measures the impact of origin on access to the primary goods that define a person’s place in society: housing, education, language proficiency, employment, public and social services access, health, social and family relations, citizenship, etc. This requires studying connections between origin and other factors of differentiation in French society, especially social background, gender, age, educational level, income, and residence neighborhood. The TeO2 questionnaire, administered to 26,500 respondents between July 2019 and November 2020, will be used to study individuals’ living conditions and trajectories. The survey concerns the entire resident population of metropolitan France. It is rigorously monitored by the organizations that supervise public statistics work in France.