Audrey Lenoël
Post-doc Audrey Lenoël tells us about the TEMPER project (Temporary versus Permanent Migration)
Post-doc Audrey Lenoël tells us about the TEMPER project (Temporary versus Permanent Migration)
Longevity, ageing and the situations of older persons are major social, health, quality-of-life and public policy issues in today’s society, issues that require a multi-disciplinary human and social sciences (HHS) approach if we are to grasp how the questions they raise are interrelated.
ingénieurs au service des méthodes statistiques de l’Ined, ont répondu à nos questions à l’occasion des 10 ans du séminaire de Rencontres de Statistique Appliquée.
Le 26 novembre dernier, Magda Tomasini, directrice de l’Ined, et Zsolt Speder, directeur de l’Institut hongrois de recherche démographique, ont signé un accord cadre de collaboration. Ce partenariat est susceptible de s’appliquer à trois champs d’activités : la recherche, la formation, la valorisation scientifique.
by Ariane Pailhé Figuring out Population Change,a series of videos on the "fundamentals of the demo" December 2018 Duration:2’51
by Mathieu Ichou Figuring out population change, videos about fundamental demographic issues December 2018 Duration:2’27
by Géraldine Duthé Figuring out population change, videos about fundamental demographic issues December 2018 Duration:2’20
No study has yet approached the question of how those health burdens are distributed across the different social strata of a single African city.
Models of care for older persons who have lost or are in the process of losing their autonomy vary widely from one region to another. At the European Union scale, southern countries show stronger family solidarity than northern ones (Peyrache and Ogg 2017); within France, institutional care solutions are more frequently used in Brittany and the Pays-de-la Loire than elsewhere (Trabut and Gaymu 2016).
differences between male and female married couples