Research using health data
by Marie-Aline Charles Les Rencontres de la démo, : Bioethics in France. Challenges and Concerns. Decembre 11th 2018 at INED Duration : 10’41
by Marie-Aline Charles Les Rencontres de la démo, : Bioethics in France. Challenges and Concerns. Decembre 11th 2018 at INED Duration : 10’41
Depuis 2017, les éditions de l’Ined ont élargi leur offre éditoriale. Les nouveautés au catalogue sont désormais publiées sous format papier et numérique, à travers trois supports différents : le livre imprimé, le format ePub et le pdf enrichi.
In April and May of 2015, the regional Île-de-France discrimination monitoring office together with INED and the iPSOS polling institute surveyed 2,500 people on their perceptions and experiences of discrimination.
Historian and INED researcher Fabrice Cahen presents the “traveling seminar” INED has set up with the Lycée (high school) Henri Wallon in Aubervilliers, just north of Paris.
Dans cet ouvrage, les auteurs s’attachent à analyser les effets de la distance sur le fonctionnement familial, en s’intéressant aux différentes configurations spatiales des familles.
by Jacques Véron Figuring out population change, videos about fundamental demographic issues December 2017 Duration: 2’
Les cartes présentant la cohabitation multigénérationnelle des personnes âgées au fil des recensements.
Mathieu Ichou’s analysis of the academic performances of immigrant’s children, who in France account for nearly one-fourth of pupils, gives us a new sociological perspective on this fundamental social concern.
This support, estimated at a monetary value of between 7 and 11 billion euros, affects public health and labor market participation and impacts on the balance between public and family solidarity. And in the future, informal support will be affected by demographic and socioeconomic changes specific to families. INED researcher Roméo Fontaine has studied the economic impact of informal support, ...
What metro line(s) show(s) the highest fertility rate in 2012 and the highest average age of mothers at baby’s birth? A study by John Tomkinson, former PhD student at INED.