
Number of results7656
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Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre / Eesti Kõrgkoolidevaheline Demouuringute Keskus - Estonian Institute for Population Studies

The Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre (EKDK) emerged 1989 from research projects and was established at the Demographic Association. In 1998 population research was formalized at Tallinn University within the structure of the Estonian Institute for Population Studies, which is building on the research profile, staff and resources of the Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre (EKDK). Three key themes of research are developed: Estonian population development in ...

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Center for population studies (CPS - Bulgaria)

The Center for Population Studies (CPS) is an independent scientific unit in the structure of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) for theoretical and applied researches in population. Continuing the activities of the former Institute of Demography at the BAS, CPS is its successor. Its research topics cover a wide range of demographic research, including methods and models for demographic studies, fertility and mortality evolution, reproductive behavior, ...

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International commission for historical demography (ICHD)

The International Committee for Historical Demography (ICHD) is an association of members of different nationalities, whose aim is to encourage the study of the history of population and of human society in general, and to further scientific exchange between researchers. The ICHD takes an interest in initiatives aiming at the development, the diffusion and the teaching of the science of historical demography.On this website you will find ...

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Asian Population Association (APA)

The Asian Population Association is a non-profit association of population specialists with the aim of drawing the attention of governments, international governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the general public to population issues in Asia and to promote demography as a science. The Association organizes regional and specialized conferences, coordinates the work of Scientific Committees and Working Groups and documents research output through a wide variety of publication ...

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International Migration Institute (IMI)

The International Migration Institute (IMI) was founded in 2006 and is one of the institutes of the Oxford Martin School, a unique, interdisciplinary research initiative addressing key global future challenges. IMI is based in the Oxford Department of International Development. The Centre analyses migration as an intrinsic part of broader global transformation processes, rather than as a problem to be solved. The Centre works with researchers, ...