
Number of results7656
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Southern Demographic Association (SDA) - USA

The Southern Demographic Association, Inc. (SDA) is a scientific and educational corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is composed of persons with professional interest in demography and population studies. As set forth in the charter of incorporation, its purposes are to supplement and complement the demographic programs of educational institutions, research organizations, and state and local government agencies in the South. The SDA will (a) serve ...

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Population-Environment Research Network (PERN)

Population-Environment Research Network seeks to advance academic research on the environment by promoting online scientific exhange among researchers from social and natural science disciplines worldwide. It is sponsored by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) and the International Human Dimensions of Global Change Programme (IHDP). The network aims to facilitate communication in the field by maintaining a searchable database of online literature and ...

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Association des épidemiologistes de langue française (ADELF)

The Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française (ADELF) was founded in 1976. It is open to anyone with an interest in epidemiology. It informs its members about major developments in the field and about initiatives taken at national and international levels, notably via a newsletter. It builds close links with national and international epidemiological bodies and is building shared information systems with them. It organizes post-university research ...

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Migrinter (Migrations internationales, espaces et sociétés)

Created in 1985, MIGRINTER is a research team specializing in the study of international migrations and inter-ethnic relations. Hosted by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société in Poitiers, it adopts an integrated approach to its research, training, publication and documentation activities. MIGRINTER publishes journals: la Revue européenne des migrations internationales and e-migrinter, an online journal, available on their website along with bibliographical and ...