
Number of results7656
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Institut für angewandte Demographie (IFAD)

The Institute for Applied Demography, Berlin-Brandenburg, plc (IFAD) is a non-profit research institution with longstanding experience in the empirical and theoretical social research. The Institute concentrates its activities on the following main areas of research: Investigation on demographic processes in Germany - projections, Development trends within regional labour markets, Complex investigations on selected social areas - urban and regional sociology, Analysis of the situation of selected social groups. ...

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Vienna Institute of Demography (VID)

The Vienna Institute of Demography analyses demographic trends and projections and the social and economic consequences of population ageing. It gives special attention to the demography of Austria and to European comparative analysis. The Institute is embedded in the structure of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The VID publishes the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, an annual publication for internationally refereed articles available online free of charge, Demografische ...