
Number of results7656
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European Forum for Migration Studies (EFMS)

The EFMS was founded in 1993 and is a scientific research institute at the University of Bamberg. Its main areas of study are migration and integration of migrants in Europe. This entails scientific research, policy counselling, preparation of expert surveys, evaluation, training, information and documentation. The Forum places great emphasis on knowledge transfer in the fields of science, politics, administration and also to the general public. Its ...

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Innocenti Research Centre (IRC)

The UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (IRC) in Florence, Italy, was established in 1988 to strengthen the research capability of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and to support its advocacy for children worldwide. The Centre was formerly known as the International Child Development Centre. Its principal objectives are to defend children’s rights and promote economic policies which advance the cause of children around the world. The centre ...

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International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) - - World population program

The Institute is an international research organization. It conducts inter-disciplinary scientific studies on environmental, economic, technological, and social issues in the context of human dimensions of global change. Two major themes of IIASA studies are the projection of population trends, and the management of societal risks associated with global change and population aging. It has set up a specialised research program, the World population Program. It publishes ...

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Centre de recherche en démographie et sociétés (DEMO)

The Centre de Recherche en Démographie et Sociétés (DEMO) at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), was created in 2009, by merging the former Institute of Demography and the Groupe d’étude de Démographie Appliquée (GéDAP). The Centre is part of the Institute IACCHOS (Institut d’analyse du changement dans l’histoire et les sociétés contemporaines) and is constituted by forty members. The centre organizes an annual international conference, the ...

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Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research conducts demographic research and provides expert advice to the public authorities. It publishes the journal "Demographic Research", the newsletter "Demografische Forschng aus Erster Hand" and the series "Demographic Research Monographs". They are freely accessible on the site. Several databases are also available on the site: "Longevity Records: Life Spans of Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles and Fish", "Kannisto-Thatcher Database on Old ...