Median age
Age that divides the population in two parts of equal size, that is, there are as many persons with ages above the median as there are with ages below the median.
Age that divides the population in two parts of equal size, that is, there are as many persons with ages above the median as there are with ages below the median.
The final legal dissolution of a marriage, involving the separation of husband and wife by judicial decree which confers on each the right to remarry under the laws of individual countries. Total divorce rate The total divorce rate indicates the number of divorces in a fictitious cohort of marriages whose divorce rates for each duration of marriage are the same as those observed in a given year. It ...
The civil solidarity pact, referred to as the "PACS" is "a contract concluded between two physical persons who have reached the age of majority, of different or the same gender, for the purposes of organizing their life in common". It was enacted by the law of 15 November 1999. It establishes rights and duties between the co-signatories in terms of material support, housing, inheritance, taxation and ...
Mortality of infants who are stillborn or die before the age of one year. Foeto-infant mortality rate Ratio of the number of infants who are stillborn or die before the age of one year to the total number of births (live and stillborn).
The total first marriage rate is the sum of age-specific first marriage rates. It may be quite different from the final proportion of persons who marry at least once in a birth cohort (the complement of permanent celibacy).
Gender is a notion used in the social sciences. It refers to the cultural dimension of sexual differentiation (such as the distribution of power or the breakdown of roles between men and women in a society), while the notion of "sex" reflects a universal biological reality.
Population & Sociétés n° 496, Population n°3, 2013, Lieux de rencontre ; Discrimination selon l’apparence
L’Ined et l’Insee présentent trois premières études :
- Les pacsés en couple hétérosexuel sont-ils différents des mariés ? (Ined)
- Le couple dans tous ses états (Insee)
- Mariage, union libre ou Pacs : à chaque âge sa forme de couple (Insee Île-de-France)
Auteur : Gilles Pison La conjoncture démographique récente de la France est marquée par deux phénomènes étonnants : • Contrairement aux attentes, la fécondité se maintient malgré la crise économique. Celle-ci a entraîné une baisse de la fécondité dans la plupart des pays développés, n'aurait-elle eu aucun effet en France ? • La mortalité des nouveau-nés semble mal connue depuis quelques ...
Legal conjugal union between a man and a women.The legality of marriage is established by civil, religious or other means according to the custom and law of each country. It does not include civil partnerships or consensual unions. Some countries have recently authorized marriage between homosexual couples.