Population density
The number of people per unit area, generally expressed per square kilometre.
The number of people per unit area, generally expressed per square kilometre.
A sudden broad Increase in the death rate.
An epidemic that spreads over a very wide area
A canvass of selected persons or households in a population, usually used to infer demographic characteristics or trends for a larger population segment or for the population as a whole.
The occurence of deaths in a given population. Crude mortality rate : The number of deaths in a specified period (usually one year) divided by the average total population in that period (usually taken as the mid-year population). The rate is normally expressed per 1,000 population. Standardized mortality rate Adjusted mortality rate for a given cause of death or country ...
Expulsion from the mother of a dead foetus after 24 weeks of gestation.Synonym: late foetal death The expulsion or extraction of an embryo or fœtus from the mother’s body before the 6th month of pregnancy is called an abortion or a miscarriage Stillbirth rate: The stillbirth rate is the ratio of stillbirths to total live and stillbirths.
Mortality of stillborn infants and infants who die within 7 days of birth. Perinatal mortality rate The number of foetal deaths after 28 weeks of pregnancy (late foetal deaths) plus the number of deaths of infants under 7 days old per 1,000 live births and stillbirths.
The indicator that measures in which conditions generations are replaced. It is computed by establishing a ratio between the number of daughters and that of their mothers, independently from effects due to population structure. This calculation can be made by taking into account the mortality (net reproduction rate) or in the absence of mortality (crude reproduction rate). In practice this rate ...
A group of persons who experience the same demographic event (birth, marriage, birth of a first child, etc.) in the same year or period of time.
The legal status of a child at birth depends upon the marital status of its mother. A birth is "legitimate" if the parents are married. A child born outside marriage is "legitimated" when the mother marries.