The contact details of the Institut national d’études démographiques are given below
The contact details of the Institut national d’études démographiques are given below
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Disease or circumstance that has led to death.Causes of death are known thanks to the information entered by doctors on death certificates, indicating the disease or the circumstances responsible for each death. Cause-of-death statistics are established in each country using an international classification of diseases. This standard classification makes it possible to compare countries and to study changes within the ...
Shift in a population from a traditional demographic regime marked by high fertility and mortality to a modern demographic regime in which fertility and mortality are low.
Increase in the proportion of adults and elderly people in a population, due to a decrease in fertility and in mortality. Population ageing may be due to an increase in the number of old people (top-down ageing) thanks to lower mortality and longer life expectancy, but may also be caused by a deficit of young people (bottom-up ageing), due to declining ...
Births as a component of population change. Natality depends upon the number of women in a population and their fertility. Birth rate : The number of live births occurring in a population in a given period (usually a calendar year) in relation to population size, usually expressed per 1,000.
Bar graph showing the age-sex structure of a population.It consists of two sets of horizontal bar graphs (one for each sex, with males on the left and females on the right), with the numbers of persons in each age group along the horizontal axis, and ages along the vertical axis. The first population pyramid was published in 1874 in ...
The mortality of children under the age of one year. Endogenous mortality refers to deaths attributable to trauma during birth or congenital malformations, while exogenous mortality refers to deaths from external causes (accidents, infectious diseases, etc.) Infant mortality rate : Number of deaths of infants under the age of one per 1,000 live births in a given year.
Growth in the proportion of a population living in urban areas.
Demography is the scientific study of human populations to determine population size, population composition by sex, age, marital status, etc., and to project future trends. It uses statistical information supplied by censuses and vital records supplemented by surveys.