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Le séminaire "Logement" fait sa rentrée pour la 5ème année consécutive. Coorganisé avec l'ENS, le séminaire est ouvert à tous.
Le séminaire "Logement" fait sa rentrée pour la 5ème année consécutive. Coorganisé avec l'ENS, le séminaire est ouvert à tous.
All INED research activity is duly peer-reviewed. The Scientific Council evaluates scientific orientations, analyses scientific activity and annually examines the Institute’s new research projects. INED proposals drawn up in response to calls from national agencies (Agence Nationale de la Recherche or ANR, Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique or IRESP, Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA [AIDS], ANRS) and international bodies, particularly the European Commission, ...
Given the emergence of occasionally complex ethics issues in connection with research practice and support services, INED chose in 2013 to create an independent, advisory ethics committee. The Committee’s missions are to formulate opinions on research projects or sections thereof submitted to it and that may raise ethics issues; to take a position or formulate doctrine with regard to ethics-related aspects of research; to ...
INED is a member of heSam Université, which comprises the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and several grandes écoles and research organisations. The consortium’s 15 current members form an unprecedented alliance between several major disciplinary areas: the humanities and social sciences, the engineering sciences, sciences of public and private governance, design, and art and heritage.
INED is a partner in several of the research projects recently awarded the status of Laboratoire d’Excellence (Labex) and Equipements d’Excellence (Equipex; scientific equipment of excellence) by the French National Research Agency. These projects, funded by France’s “Investment for the Future” programme, are developing new tools for population science research.