
Number of results7927

Administrative and technical careers

INED engineers, technicians and administrative personnel (ITAs) provide technical support for the production, dissemination and promotion of the Institute’s scientific work. Over 150 ITAs, some permanent, work with research teams (secretarial) and in administrative services (budget, human resources, accounting, asset management, legal services, managment control) and research support services. From secretaries to statisticians, the Institute draws on a broad range ...


Research teams

INED’s research teams are organized into 11 units, each handling a particular theme or area or applying a specific scientific approach. Two of these teams are mixed, meaning they include researchers from other institutions. Each researcher belongs to one team and may choose to join a second one. The teams are run by one or more directors and are evaluated every five years by the AERES (Agence d’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur), France’s research and higher education evaluation agency. In addition to the research units, there are 3 transversal research groups that do not run their own projects but rather stimulate and facilitate methodological exchanges.