
Number of results7656
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Mission interministerielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (MILDT)

The MILDT (an interministerial organization for the fight against drugs and drug addiction) was established in 1982 and is under the Prime Minister’s authority. Its mission is to lead and coordinate government activities in France. This organization, which takes an interest in all types of addiction including alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs, provides the general public with information and advice and plays a major role in prevention. ...

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Santé et protection sociale : recherches, études, évaluation et statistiques

DREES is under the administrative supervision of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Health. It is a public statistical office. Its primary mission is to provide policy-makers, citizens and social and economic authorities with reliable information and analyses on the population and on health and social policies. DREES carries out studies and formulates projections on the health status of the French population and disseminates its findings. ...