Enquêtes socio-économiques et observatoires de population
This page provides a list of demographic surveys available on the web
This page provides a list of demographic surveys available on the web
The Réseau Quételet archives and disseminates humanities and social sciences data in France. The network has just created a new website in order to facilitate access to social sciences data. This portal centralizes the data available on partner websites and facilitates the process of data access. Réseau Quételet partners include the CMH-ADISP, public statistics data archives of the Centre Maurice Halbwachs, CDSP, Centre de données socio-politiques, and ...
Eurobarometer monitors the evolution of public opinion in EU member states on a regular basis by means of surveys and studies carried out on various themes: European construction, social situation, health, culture, information technologies, environment, euro, defense etc.
The Generations and Gender Surveys (GGS) is a panel survey in 19 countries with at least three panel waves and an interval of three years between each wave. Its main objective is to improve understanding of demographic and social development and of the factors that influence these developments, with a particular attention towards relationships between children and parents (generations) and relationships between partners (gender).
The CDSP (Centre for Socio-political Data) is responsible for archiving and distributing social sciences research data . It provides survey data on the political attitudes and value systems in France, and gives access to large-scale international studies
The project Elfe aims at building a cohort of 20,000 children, nationally representative, to be followed from birth to adulthood under a multidisciplinary approach.
The European Social Survey (the ESS) is an academically-driven social survey designed to chart and explain the interaction between Europe’s changing institutions and the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of its diverse populations.
The Council of European Social Science Data Archives promotes the acquisition, archiving and distribution of electronic data for social science teaching and research in Europe.
The LIS team harmonizes and standardizes the micro-data from the different Household Income surveys in order to facilitate comparative research.
Microdata are confidential data which contain information about individual statistical units. The current legal framework enables access to anonymised microdata available at Eurostat only for scientific purposes. The release of the data sets to researchers is governed by Commission Regulations.