The objective is to study the barriers to an
effective and satisfying access to sexual and
reproductive health care, by analyzing both the
effects of legal framework, social norms and
practices (of professionals as well as women and
men concerned). The data collections, as well as
analyzes carried out, concern both the general
population and / or minority and stigmatized
populations, distant from health care.
Analysis of gender norms and their effects on
sexuality, contraception, access to healthcare;
gender violence and its impact on sexual and
reproductive outcomes; the study of the
legislative and social framework for access to
healthcare are the main themes of this axis.
La santé sexuelle et reproductive et les droits
afférents seront étudiés au prisme des nombreux
rapports de dominations, notamment des rapports de
genre, qui peuvent les impacter.
La question des droits (légaux comme sociaux) et
en creux, celle des exclusions qu’ils peuvent
sous-tendre, est prise en compte dans une
perspective de compréhension globale des parcours
de vie des personnes.