Marie-Caroline Compans Researcher website
Secretariat : Imène Abdou 33(0) 1 56 06 20 12

Research field(s)

Miscarriages - ERC project SOCMISC

(Late) fertility, Medically assisted reproduction (MAR), Infertility

More information about his·her Research

Parenting and childhood

Becoming a parent

Some publications

Lazzari, E., Compans, M-C. and Beaujouan, E., 2024, “Change in the perceived reproductive age window and delayed fertility in Europe”, Population Studies. doi: 0.1080/00324728.2023.2298678

Compans, M-C., Beaujouan, E. and Suero C., 2023, “Transitions to second birth and birth intervals in France and Spain: time squeeze or social norms?”, Comparative Population Studies, vol.48, pp.307-338. doi: 10.12765/CPoS-202.

Compans, M-C. and Beaujouan, E., 2022, “From Union Formation to First Birth: The Role of Age at First Cohabitation in the Transition to Motherhood and Fatherhood”, Population, vol.77 (3), pp.411-436. doi :10.3917/popu.2203.0439.

Compans, M-C., 2021, “D’un ‘problème de santé publique’ à un ‘phénomène de société’. Le traitement médiatique des maternités et des paternités tardives en France (2001–2019)”, Enfances, Familles, Générations, doi: 10.7202/1090938ar.

Compans, M-C., 2021, “Late motherhood, late fatherhood and permanent childlessness in France: Trends by educational level and cohorts (1950-1970)”, Demographic Research, vol.45 (10), pp.329-344. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2021.45.10.

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

Senior Researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria