Nancy Nzeyimana Cyizere

PHD candidate
Secretariat : Marie-Laure Trudel 33(0) 1 56 06 22 82

Research field(s)

Ongoing PhD dissertation (since October 2020): The matrix of black people's vulnerability to disease: the case of HIV/AIDS in Île-de-France and Occitanie

My doctoral project (sociology) examines the vulnerabilities to HIV infection and viral hepatitides of people considered black in France (Hexagone), those with the "shared social experience according to the socially negative marker of black skin, without implying common cultural ties or institutional recognition" (Ndiaye, 2009, p. 65). My dissertation thus seeks to describe and analyze the materiality of racialization as black in the French context and its influence on the driving factors of HIV transmission. The hypotheses guiding our research articulate two dimensions for a comprehensive and cross-cutting approach:

  • individuals’ sociodemographic characteristics as elements that can impact their living conditions, their exposure to HIV infection and their access to care;
  • and the dimensions of life (marital, professional, social) that contextualize their affective and sexual experiences, but also administrative and health experiences.

  • Methods
  • semi-structured interviews;
  • direct field observations;
  • literature review.

  • Key words
    Sexual and reproductive health; HIV; AIDS; social inequalities in health; racial minoritization; access to health care; Black studies; France.

    PhD supervision
    Doctoral School Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures à l’Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès.
  • Virginie Rozée, HDR → Research Unit 14 : Sexual and reproductive Health and Rights (UR14) at the Institut national d’études démographiques.
  • Julie Jarty → Research Centre on Work Organizations and Policies (CERTOP) at the Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès.
  • Teaching activities, other functions, titles


  • 12/12/2023 : "Mulheres trans migrantes na França: o cotidiano limitado pela estigmatização e por políticas públicas", Seminar "Tecnologias de interação e comunicação a serviço do cuidado de Jovens Vivendo com HIV/AIDS : estratégias inovadoras de promoção da saúde mental e adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral", Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Slides in Portuguese and speech in Portuguese.

  • 04/12/2023 : "O impacto das normas de género e das políticas públicas na vulnerabilização das pessoas negras ao VIH e à SIDA em França", Seminar of Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Subjetividades e Instituições em Dobras, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Slides in Portuguese and speech in English.

  • 05/10/2023 : Introduction and Closing of the Symposium "Noir·es en France : parlons santé" organized at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined), Aubervilliers (France) as part of the MinoVus project (ANRS 0217).

  • 11/06/2023 : "Derrière l’étiquette « Migrant∙es LGBTQI+ » : une santé sous contraintes", Symposium "Genre, sexualités, migrations, racisations, santé" as part of the Festival Aoziz, Saint Charles Campus of Aix-Marseille University, Marseille (France).

  • 30/05/2023 : "Le VIH d’un point de vue minoritaire : des vulnérabilités en continuum", Ined Doctoral Day - 2023 edition, French National Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined), Aubervilliers (France).

  • 25/05/2023 : "HSH nés à l’étranger / racisés : les limites des catégories d’enquêtes (de santé publique)", Symposium "HSH nés à l’étranger" funded by ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers (France).

  • 11/05/2023 : "Exister aux marges des marges : le défi des personnes LGBTQI+ migrantes et racisées en France", Colloquium "Enjeux et pratiques auprès des personnes LGBTQI+ migrantes et racisées", 90th Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), Montréal (Canada).

  • 02/02/2023 : "Examiner la vulnérabilité au VIH de manière intersectionnelle", Research Center on Work Organizations and Policies (CERTOP) Doctoral Day, University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Toulouse (France).

  • 08/12/2022 : "Examiner les inégalités de santé au prisme de la racialisation : premiers résultats d’une enquête qualitative sur le VIH et les hépatites virales auprès de populations noires de France", Seminar "Frontières, temporalités, matérialités au prisme de la santé" of the Mixed Research Unit Sciences économiques et sociales de la santé & traitement de l’information médicale (SESSTIM), Aix-Marseille University, Marseille (France).

  • 21/06/2022 : "La matrice de la vulnérabilité des personnes noires face à la maladie : le cas du VIH/sida en Île-de-France et en Occitanie", Research Center on Work Organizations and Policies (CERTOP) Inter-axis Day, University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Toulouse (France).

  • 23/11/2021 : "Les choix contraceptifs au prisme des rapports de sexe et de race : deux enquêtes qualitatives auprès de personnes racisées en France ou en Suisse", Seminar of the Junior Lab Contraception & Genre, French National Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined), Aubervilliers (France). Joint intervention with Myrian Carbajal (Professor at the Haute École de Travail Social of Fribourg).

  • 14/10/2021 : "Consulter pour mieux enquêter ?", Seminar of the Research Unit 14 "Sexual and reproductive health and rights", French National Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined), Aubervilliers (France). Intervention on the involvement of civil society in clinical and social science research on HIV and aids.

  • 09/10/2023 : Afternoon of "scientific speed dating" with 11th and 12th grade students from Lycée Bergson (20th district of Paris) as part of the Fête de la science 2023 at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined), Aubervilliers (France).

  • 2023 : Organization of the Symposium "Noir-es en France: parlons santé" at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies, Aubervilliers (France). Scientific symposium organized as part of the MinoVus project sponsored by ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases.

  • 2021-2022 : Co-supervision of 9th and 10th grade students as part of the "Apprentis chercheurs" initiative at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies, Aubervilliers (France) to design, implement and promote a research project in population sciences.

  • 15/12/2021 : "Le sida : une épidémie politique". Intervention at the "anti-discrimination club" of the Jean Zay high school, Aulnay-Sous-Bois (France).

  • Sidaction, non-profit association against AIDS: Young Researcher Funding granted for 12 months as part of the 2023 scientific and medical call for proposals (first session), following the recommendation of the Scientific and Medical Committee. Effective as of April 2024.

  • ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases: research credits granted for the project "Social and health vulnerabilities of black people in France: the case of HIV in Île-de-France and Occitanie" (MinoVus, ANRS 0217) since 01/2022 under the call for projects 2022-1. Financing of a three-month research contract in the fourth quarter of 2023.

  • French Collaborative Institute on Migration (CI Migration): HEALTH and INTEGER divisions, fellow for the period 2021 to 2025.

  • French National Institute for Demographic Studies: Research Unit 14 "Sexual and reproductive health and rights", iPOPs fellowship for the duration of the PhD. Funding of a two-month doctoral mobility in 2023. Funding of a three-month research contract in the first quarter of 2024.

  • University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès: Research Center on Work Organizations and Policies (CERTOP)): doctoral contract from October 2020 to September 2023.

  • Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): doctoral mobility from October 2023 to December 2023 with the team of Anna Uziel, Professor of Social Psychology in the Department of Social and Institutional Psychology (DPSI).

  • Université de Montréal (UdM), Montreal (Canada): ten-day research visit in May 2023 with the team of Edward Ou Jin Lee, Professor of Social Work, holder of the Canada Chair in Sexuality, Gender and Migration.

  • Mixed Research unit "Economic and social sciences of health & processing of medical information" (SESSTIM), Marseille (France): working with the Health and COMmunity Research team (SantéRComm) as part of a "MSM born abroad" working group.