Andrea Verhulst

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Domaine(s) de recherche

My research focuses on mortality at very early ages globally.

In particular, I am interested in understanding the role of preterm birth and fetal growth restriction in generating excess mortality during the late fetal and neonatal periods in south Asia and western Africa through international comparisons.

I am also developing models of mortality to help monitor progress below age 5 years. I am currently working on applications to better assess the quality of vital registration systems in different contexts.

I have also contributed to the development of the “Under-5 Mortality Database” focused on high-income countries within the project “Global Age Patterns of Under-5 mortality” funded by the US National Institute of Health (NIH).

En savoir plus sur ses recherches

Mortalité et santé dans les pays du Sud

Parole de chercheur-e

Andrea Verhuslt nous parle de la mortalité des enfants de moins de 5 ans dans le monde

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Quelques publications

Romero Prieto J., A. Verhulst, and M. Guillot. 2024. “Estimating 1a0 and 4a1 in a life table: a model approach based on newly collected data.” Demography.

Verhulst A. et al. 2022. “Divergent age patterns of under-5 mortality in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa: a modelling study,” The Lancet Global Health, 10(11), E1566-E1574.

Guillot M., J. Romero Prieto, A. Verhulst, and P. Gerland. 2022. “Modeling age patterns of under-5 mortality: Results from a log-quadratic model applied to high-quality vital registration data.” Demography, 59(1):321-347.

Verhulst A. 2016. “Child mortality estimation: an assessment of summary birth history methods using microsimulation.” Demographic Research 34(39):1075-1128.