
Number of results7656

8th Annual International Conference on Immigration in OECD Countries

The OECD, the CEPII (the French Research Center in International Economics), and its partners from the University of Lille (LEM), Paris School of Economics, Fondazione Rodolfo De Benedetti, the University of Luxembourg and IRES (Université Catholique de Louvain) are jointly organizing the 8th Annual Conference on "Immigration in OECD Countries" on December 10-11, 2018. The conference will examine the economic aspects ...


Estimating mortality from external causes using data from retrospective survey questions: a validation study in Niakhar (Senegal)

Mortality and causes of death in global South countries are not well known because individuals’ vital information is often incomplete. Specifically, some deaths go unreported. To estimate adult mortality, researchers often use responses from sample respondents asked about their siblings: respondents are asked to give a list of their siblings, including age or, if deceased, at what age. Gilles Pison, ...


“The Effect of Public Policy on Migration from the Overseas Départements to Metropolitan France”

Marine Haddad is the winner of the 2018 Young Author’s Prize for her article:"Migration from French Overseas Departments to Metropolitan France: What We Can Learn about a State Policy from the Censuses, 1962-1999" This article offers new perspectives for demographic analysis of four French overseas departements (DOM): Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion. What are the effects of public population policies, ...


Les Rencontres de statistique appliquée : "Comparer des données administratives dans un cadre international : problèmes et enjeux"

Organisé par le Service de méthodologie statistiques  en partenariat avec le Pôle Perspectives Internationales de l'Ined L’utilisation de données administratives se fait depuis relativement longtemps avec un usage plus ou moins important selon les pays. L’Europe du Nord, notamment, a une longue tradition d’utilisation de ce type de données, comme les données de registre, qui fournissent une très riche source d’informations. D'autre ...