The population of the European Union (1957 - 2007)
This graph presents the population of the European Union, from its initial formation, through successive enlargements, up to the present day.
This graph presents the population of the European Union, from its initial formation, through successive enlargements, up to the present day.
This graph presents the age- and sex-specific probabilities of dying during the year in metropolitan France, i.e. the mortality rates for males and females at each age.
This graph shows the number of households enumerated in 2015 by number of members, from one (one-person households) to nine or more for the largest households. These 28.2 million households count 62.8 million individuals, represented on the graph.
This graph is a calculation chart which shows the various options for balancing the French pensions system by 2020. It summarizes the range of different policies that could be implemented. To reach equilibrium, we can act upon one or more of the policy levers.
Where do people first meet their spouse? The meeting places are divided into three categories (forming of the triangle) : public places, private places and semi-private places. Each side of the triangle has a scale: the proportion of partners met in a private place; in a semi-private place, and in a public place.
On these two world maps, the countries are represented by rectangles whose surface area is proportional to their estimated population in 2000 (top) and their projected population in 2050 (bottom). Both these population cartograms are constructed on the same scale, so the population change between the two dates can be compared.
For each period, the graph plots the distribution of countries by their level of fertility. The countries are ranked by the mean number of children per woman. For each level of fertility, the curve shows the proportion of the world population living in a country where fertility is below that level.
This graph shows the relationship between two demographic indicators : fertility and infant mortality. The values along the horizontal axis indicate the level of infant mortality in each country of sub-Saharan Africa over the period 2000-2004, i.e. The values along the vertical axis indicate the level of fertility in each country over the same period, expressed as the average number of children per woman.
this graph shows the variations in life expectancy in France from 1740 to 2020
Ce graphique montre la fécondité par âge en Europe en 2016. Le taux de fécondité représente la probabilité à chaque âge de mettre au monde un enfant.