Methodological analysis of fun online questionnaires, Bertrand Geay, Picardy University Creation of multiple behavioural indicators for children aged 2‑5 years, Marie-Aline Charles, INSERM, Villejuif
Methodological analysis of fun online questionnaires, Bertrand Geay, Picardy University Creation of multiple behavioural indicators for children aged 2‑5 years, Marie-Aline Charles, INSERM, Villejuif
A cette occasion, des collègues et apporteront un témoignage pour retracer les différentes périodes de sa vie et évoquer ses engagements citoyens. La séance d’hommage sera suivie d’un moment convivial sur place, de 17h30 à 19 heures. Le nombre de places étant limité, vous êtes invité.es à vous inscrire via le formulaire ci-dessous au plus tard le 09/10
In 2024 and 2025, we are celebrating the 30th anniversaries of the Cairo Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, 1994) and the Beijing World Conference on Women (1995), which facilitated the recognition of sexual and reproductive rights.
Mathieu Ichou, Principal Investigator of the 3GEN project, is a tenured researcher at the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), where he is the head of the International Migrations and Minorities research unit, and a member of the Economic Demography unit. M. Ichou is also a fellow at the Institut Convergences Migrations and an associate researcher at the Observatoire Sociologique ...
At 3 and 4 years old, three different surveys were conducted among the children in the Elfe cohort: I) The 3.5-year survey; II) The school survey ("Moyenne section de maternelle") (documentation available in French only); III) The PMI survey (documentation available in French only).
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