
Number of results7656

The Team

  Project management  Sandra FLORIAN, Researcher, Project co-leader, Ined Nathalie LE BOUTEILLEC, Professor at University of Picardy Jules Verne and Associated Researcher at Ined, Project co-leader Gaspar MASSIOT, Survey statistician, Ined Ognjen OBUCINA, Researcher, Project co-leader, Ined Zoé PERRON, Project manager, Ined Aurélie SANTOS, Survey methodologist, Ined Communication Thomas WIEST, European and international affairs officer, Ined Data protection Lindsay FUSFELD, Data protection officer, Ined


About GUIDE/EuroCohort

  Horizon 2020 program (2021-2025) INED Project Leader: Nathalie Le Bouteillec, Sandra Florian, Ognjen Obucina Coordination: Manchester Metropolitan University Partners: 27 partners from 18 countries   Context Ensuring the well-being of children and young people is one of the major global challenges, notably cited in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The European Union has announced the creation of a European Child Guarantee to ensure that "every child ...