Valeria Solesin
Valeria Solesin died in the 13 November 2015 terrorist attacks on the Bataclan concert hall. Her friends at INED pay tribute to her
Valeria Solesin died in the 13 November 2015 terrorist attacks on the Bataclan concert hall. Her friends at INED pay tribute to her
Tenured research scientists and senior researchers are recruited on the basis of their qualifications and works
Ms. Hertrich joined INED in 1992, while she completing her PhD thesis on the Bwa people of Mali, a population group she would follow for more than a quarter of a century. On the basis of her detailed observations, she developed an in-depth analysis of their matrimonial and family patterns prior to the demographic transition. In 1996, she published Permanence et changements de ...
A person’s chronological or “civil” age—that is, their age as calculated from the date of birth on their birth certificate—is a quantitative datum that has been fundamental to the discipline of demography ever since the first demographers established a link between mortality and age over three centuries ago. The use of this key variable in probing all demographic phenomena might suggest ...
Les transformations numériques et environnementales en cours et leurs effets sur les individus et les sociétés soulèvent de nombreuses questions auxquelles l’Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) et Sciences Po ont décidé de réfléchir conjointement dans le cadre du projet TIERED (Transforming Interdisciplinary Education and Research for Evolving Democraties). Ces journées d’étude entre les chercheurs des deux établissements permet de poser explicitement ...
Texte de présentation de l'unité 6
The Elfe maternity survey corresponds to the recruitment phase and the first data collection at birth of Elfe children. It took place over 4 waves in 2011 and included 18.319 children born at at least 33 weeks’ amenorrhea, including 288 pairs of twins. The various phases of the survey included:✓ an interview with the mother in the days following delivery, during ...
The "Alimentation de l’enfant 2-10 mois" survey (also known as SICOMIAM) was set up to complete the information collected at birth and at 2 months on feeding, and to find out in particular the duration of exclusive and mixed breastfeeding and the chronological order of introduction of different foods. In theory, infants are fed exclusively on milk up to 3 ...
Sont ici présentés les évènements scientifiques organisés dans le cadre du projet, ainsi que les publications.