
Number of results7658

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Post-doctoral fellowships

Marie Skłodowska-Curie international fellowships provide funding for individual researchers, allowing them to diversify and broaden their scientific knowledge and skills. They are international fellowships, which means that the requested host institution for this fellowship must be located in different country than your current or most recent institutional affiliation. The grant covers two to three years of salary, travel costs, research costs and overheads ...


INED has renewed collaboration with Japan’s IPSS (Institute of Population and Social Security Research)

Kuniaki Tanabe, Director-General of Japan’s Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS), and INED Director Magda Tomasini have just signed a framework agreement that renews collaboration between the two institutions for the next four years. France and Japan are among the countries with the highest life expectancies, and their respective public research institutes—INED and IPSS—have long conducted research in the ...