LGBTI studies : care, soin et santé
Monthly seminar for young researchers at the Condorcet Campus
Monthly seminar for young researchers at the Condorcet Campus
The longer first births are postponed, the more likely they are not to occur and the fewer children the woman in question is likely to have. The reasons for this are social, normative, and, of course, biological. But how does the relationship between a woman’s age at the birth of her first child and her fertility level play out at ...
Présenté par : Dr Leigh Senderowicz (University of Wisconsin-Madison) ; Discutante : Mireille Le Guen (Ined et UCLouvain)
Présenté par : Marie-Caroline Compans (postdoctorante à l’Université de Vienne (Autriche)) ; Discutant : Didier Breton Université de Strasbourg, INED
Kuniaki Tanabe, Director-General of Japan’s Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS), and INED Director Magda Tomasini have just signed a framework agreement that renews collaboration between the two institutions for the next four years. France and Japan are among the countries with the highest life expectancies, and their respective public research institutes—INED and IPSS—have long conducted research in the ...
Cette journée scientifique sur la migration, la mobilité et les disparités spatiales rendra hommage à Matthieu Solignac, disparu en décembre 2020. La première partie de la matinée sera consacrée à des témoignages de collègues et amis rencontrés tout au long de son parcours professionnel et se déroulera à l'Ined (salle Sauvy). Suivra un séminaire scientifique au Centre des Colloques du ...
Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaSEPTEMBER 21-23, 2022 The main theme was"Advances in international research on health and life expectancy in the Covid-19 era" It was organized by Dr. Zachary Zimmer and the research group Global Aging and Community Initiative. The conference took place on Dalhousie University’s campus. A two-day training workshop preceded the meeting. CONTACT:
Séminaire de l'unité de recherche "Logement, inégalités spatiales et trajectoires"
pour faire avancer la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales sur la longévité, les vieillesses et le vieillissement