Other activities
After India (106.4 men for 100 women in 2011), China has currently the highest overall sex ratio in the world, at 104.9 in 2010, whereas the world average (excluding China and India) is 98.5 in 2010. Because of its scale and lasting impact, China’s adverse sex ratio and the resulting shortage of women is an unprecedented demographic situation in the documented ...
France and the United Kingdom: demographic stability on the continent, stop-and-go across the Channel
Author: Gilles Pison Metropolitan France (i.e. mainland France and Corsica) is the third most populous European Union country, behind Germany and the United Kingdom (UK). The populations of metropolitan France and the United Kingdom have been of similar size for the last 20 years (nearly 65 million in 2015) and have been increasing at virtually the same pace. This means that ...
Horizon 2020
The European Union is now funding research and innovation through the Horizon 2020 Programme, structured around 3 priorities: scientific excellence, the primacy of industry, and social challenges. The programme went into effect on 1 January 2014 for the period 2014-2020; it follows on the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).
The numerical sex imbalance is not totally a new phenomenon in China. The works of Ho (1959) and Lee and Wang (1999), in particular, attest to the historical presence of a skewed sex ratio in some areas. While Lee and Wang (1999) attribute some specific marriage practices (namely that of "tong yang xi" which consists in adopting a daughter to ...
State of the art
DefiChine lies at the intersection of a range of research issues developed at the crossroads between demography, sociology, and economics: Studies on the consequences of a numerical imbalance between the sexes on the marriage market; analysis of the changes in perception of gender roles, of sexual behaviours and the role of subjective norms in specific contexts; the study of the ...
Novelty of the project
Current research on the numerical imbalance between men and women in the marriage market is usually limited to the demographic and quantitative aspect, neglecting the qualitative one. Conversely, research on sexuality, gender roles and living conditions hardly touches on numbers in the analysis of relations between men and women. As a result, little is known about the consequences of a ...
DefiChine in Brief
Male bachelors’ living conditions, sexuality and gender roles in a context of reduced availability of female partners in China DefiChine focuses on specific aspects of men’s life in a context of numerical imbalance between the sexes. It has four basic objectives: -To analyse from the theoretical and empirical point of view, men’s propensity to change the social norms governing union and family ...
Références bibliographiques
AJZEN I., 1991, "The Theory of Planned Behavior" Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211. AKERS D., 1967, "On measuring the marriage squeeze", Demography, 4, 907-924. ANDERSON Siwan, 2007, "The Economics of Dowry and Bride Price", Journal of Economic Perspectives. 21(4). ANGELOFF T. and LIEBER M., 2012, Chinoises au XXIe siècle, Paris, La Découverte. ATTANÉ I. et al., 2013, ...