
Number of results7658

1990 Geneva, Switzerland

International geographic comparisons of healthy life expectancy Organized by Jean-Pierre Michel, Institutions Universitaires de Gériatrie de Genève, and Ed Dowd and Michel Thuriaux, World Health Organization Wilkins R, Dowd JE. International geographic comparisons of healthy life expectancy. General Report on the second workshop of REVES, Geneva, March 1990. Papers presented: Andrews G. Cross-national research and data collection : uses and abuses. Barberger-Gateau P. Conceptual and operational definitions of the disability process in population studies : ...


1990 Durham, USA

Methods of calculation and other methodological considerations Organized by George Myers, Center of Demographic Studies, Duke University Lamb VL. Methods of calculation and other methodological considerations. General Report on the third workshop of REVES Papers presented: Brouard N. Evaluation of existing analytic approaches. Crimmins EM. Short report on new results. Dowd JE, Robine JM. Observational strategie of study design and data collection. Manton KG. Alternative analytic models. Minaire P. Theoretical models of disability ...


1991 Leiden, The Netherlands

Approaches to measuring change in developed and developing countries Organized by Harry van de Water,TNO Institute of Preventive Health Care. During this meeting, the network decided to open out widely to developing countries. 24 papers have been presented, among which some are available on request. van de Water HPA. General Report of the fourth workshop of REVES. Papers presented: Bone M. Changing disability rates over time in Great Britain. Boshuizen H. Trends ...


2004 Bruges, Belgium

Life and health expectancy - Challenges ahead Organized by Herman Van Oyen, Scientific Institute of Public Health. An important part of this meeting was devoted to the study of health concepts, new methodological developments, inference problems, interaction of morbidity, mortality and health determinants and use of health expectancy as policy instrument. The available slides of the presentations are accessible on request. List of papers presented Van Oyen H. Life Expectancy ...