
Number of results7658

The Age of the Pill: New Evidence on the Exceptionalism of the Late 20th-Century U.S.

Over the past fifty years, the U.S. has witnessed dramatic changes in childbearing, leading some to call this period the “Second Demographic Transition.” Yet the many of the features of the Second Demographic Transition do not appear exceptional in long-term, historical perspective. After summarizing this evidence, I lay out three underappreciated demographic features of the recent U.S.: (1) the realization ...


Doctoral Student Research Day 24 may 2018

(Please note that all the presentations will be in French) 9h30 : Welcome session 10h : Opening speech by Magda TOMASINI, director of Ined   10h15-12h00 : Migration : professional careers and politicisation of racialisation President : Mathieu ICHOU (Ined) Louise CARON : The effects of an international mobility on professional trajectorie: The case of France Discussant : Sorana TOMA (CREST, Ensae) Élodie DRUEZ : The national resources of politicisation of racialisation among graduates of Subsaharan origins in France ...


Who we are

 L’étude Cap AMP est menée par l’Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined), établissement public de recherche scientifique.   L’équipe de recherche est composée de chercheures en santé publique et sociologie, d’ingénieur(e)s d’enquête et de statisticiennes.   Responsables scientifiques : Virginie Rozée et Elise de La Rochebrochard Coordinatrice : Louise Rolland-Guillard Service des enquêtes et sondages de l'Ined : Amandine Stephan, Patricia Thauvin, Géraldine Charrance, Ruxandra Breda-Popa, Gwennaëlle Brilhault, Kamel ...