
Number of results7656

Workshop 1 - Economic and demographic challenges of NRT in the trans-national arena

            Economic and demographic challenges of NRT in the trans-national arena      Workshop co-ordinators: Virginie Rozée and Laurence Tain The development of new reproductive techniques raises new challenges in the national and trans-national arena. Across the world, and at the European level, there are major disparities in the laws governing access to assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and other medical procedures. Residents who cannot obtain ART in their own country or ...


Workshop 3 - NRT and parenting

                                          NRT and parenting     Workshop co-ordinators: Jean-Hugues Déchaux and Maks Banens New reproductive techniques and their applications in ART raise questions about the very meaning of parenthood. Are we at the threshold of a new metamorphosis? Is the Euro-American model, based on the principle of exclusive bilateral parenting (one father, one mother) and on the assumption that the social parents are the biological parents, compatible with developments in ...


Workshop 4 - NRT and LGBT parenting

                                      NRT and LGBT parenting     Workshop co-ordinators: Maks Banens and Magali Mazuy New reproductive techniques have made it possible for same-sex couples to become parents. In many countries, including France, practices are in advance of legal recognition in this area. This workshop will examine three series of questions concerning LGBT parenting. •    Are the majority of LGBT families – if this signifies the cohabitation of one or more children ...



Scientific committee Laurence Tain, University Lyon 2, Centre Max Weber, INED Maks Banens, University Lyon 2, Centre Max Weber Jean-Hugues Déchaux, University Lyon 2, Centre Max Weber Marie Lesclingand, University Nice, URMIS- Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques Magali Mazuy, Institut National d’Études Démographiques-Centre Max Weber Virginie Rozée, Institut National d’Études Démographiques   E-mail: cs.colloqueNTR[at]    Administrative assistance : Irène De Launay et Anne Deshors Visual support : Emmanuel Seiglan and Reprography Service of ENS Lyon Website : Xiaole Huang