
Number of results7656

Changes to pension systems

One of the important issues of population ageing is the future of pension systems and their long-term financial sustainability. In most countries, pensions currently represent a high percentage of retirees’ income. Numerous reforms are underway to adapt existing systems to changing demographic trends (longer life expectancy, retirement of the large baby-boomer cohorts, changing family and marital structures) and economic trends (increase in unemployment, diversification of labour-force pathways, ...


The family and ageing in the overseas departements and the South

Now considered "young" countries, most of the South will experience massive population ageing in the decades ahead. The same applies to the population of France’s overseas départements ("DOM"), currently younger than that of metropolitan France. The strong expected increase in the number of old people, a significant percentage of whom, depending on the country, will not benefit from social protection (notably because some income is earned in ...