CEPED, a Joint Research Unit attached to the graduate program of Paris Descartes University brings together academics, researchers, engineers and technicians from Paris Descartes University, the Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD).
The Centre for Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (Comptrasec) was founded in 1982 at Bordeaux IV University. The centre is now part of Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV University. It is a joint Research Unit operated by the University and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS - National Scientific Research Centre). COMPTRASEC also belongs to the Groupement de Droit Comparé (Comparative Law Group). Comptrasec’s main objective is ...
Set up in 1992, CRESS is a multidisciplinary research team at the University of Strasbourg that brings together researchers in the humanities and social sciences (demographers, ethnologists, sociologists, specialists in the science and technology of sport and physical activity), and statisticians. In 2012, the CRESS research team comprised: 25 tenured researchers with university teaching responsibilities, Around 50 doctoral students, Numerous associate researchers (academics and professionals). Its offers several Master’s degrees combining both research-oriented ...
Campus Condorcet
Le Campus Condorcet constitue un pôle de recherche et d'études avancées en sciences humaines et sociales. Il doit ouvrir ses portes en 2015 et sera localisé sur deux sites à la Porte de la Chapelle et à Aubervilliers. A terme, il contribuera à renforcer les coopérations scientifiques entre les partenaires ainsi que les coopérations internationales. Campus « transpériphérique », pleinement intégré dans la logique du Grand Paris, ...
The Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES - Sorbonne Economic Centre) is a generalist Research Centre founded in January 2006. Its eight axes encompass approximately hundred and twenty lecturers-researchers and researchers in economics, mathematics and sociology. The range of the covered themes is quite wide, as well as the analytical and methodological frameworks. The whole constitutes one of the most prominent French research units in economics, whose ...
Genre, Travail, Mobilités (GTM) est une équipe du laboratoire CRESPPA, centrée sur les questions du travail dans une perspective d’analyse du genre. Les thématiques portent principalement sur les transformations du monde du travail et de la société salariale, sur les dimensions subjectives de l’activité, notamment le rapport au temps, l’émergence de métiers aux contours imprécis ou atypiques, la construction sociale ...