Life expectancy by social class
FranceSource : Insee, Échantillon Démographique Permanent et état civil 2020-2022.
FranceSource : Insee, Échantillon Démographique Permanent et état civil 2020-2022.
Thirty-five years after the last major national survey on relations between neighbors in France (INED/INSEE “Contacts” survey, 1983), a new survey, entitled “Mon quartier, mes voisins” [My neighborhood, my neighbors], has studied those relations at different scales and documented individuals’ social integration at local (the immediate neighborhood) and extra-local (outside the neighborhood) levels.
INED senior researcher Alain Blum, a specialist of the demography of Russia, tells us about his latest book, Déportés pour l’éternité. Survivre à l’exil stalinien, 1939-1991 [Deportees for eternity: Surviving exile under Stalin, 1939-1991], written together with Emilia Koustova.
Fifty years ago, in 1974, the age at which a person attained their legal majority in France was lowered from 21 to 18. This changed the lives of millions of young people; for instance, they could now get married at 18 without parental consent. The reform of half a century ago is an opportunity to take a look at changes ...
Total fertility rate, Europe and other developed countries
Statistics on population, births and deaths in Europe and other developed countries
Birth rates, mortality and infant mortality rates in Europe and other developed countries
Espérance de vie à la naissance, Europe, pays développés
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Up until the twentieth century, people seldom lived to be a hundred. But since the end of the Second World War, the number of these people, called centenarians, has been rising. On January 1, 2024, France had over 31,000 centenarians, and according to INSEE predictions, it could have more than 200,000 in 2070. Does this necessarily mean that the majority of ...