
Number of results7658

13th Workshop of the Network of Pluridisciplinary Studies on Fatherhood and Motherhood

Charlotte Vampo Post-doctorante au LPED (Univ. d'Aix Marseille– IRD) et Laure Moguérou MCF à l’Univ. Nanterre (IRD–LPED), "Suis-je un homme si j'entretiens mon enfant au quotidien ?" Le travail parental et domestique des hommes à Lomé (Togo) et Dakar (Sénégal)." Sophie Bonadè Docteure en sociologie et chercheuse associée à Paris Saclay, Univ. d'EVRY (SLAM), "La chauve-souris pond-elle des œufs ? De ...



Summary of research: During the SARS-COV2 2020 pandemic, the lethality rate has been highest among subjects aged 80 or over, particularly those with underlying co-morbidities. Elderly subjects living in France’s EHPADs (Établissements pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes: skilled nursing care facilities) are therefore particularly vulnerable due to their individual and contextual characteristics (age, co-morbidities, collective living situation, access to treatment). Approximately 600,000 ...