Léa Cimelli
We interviewed Léa Cimelli, an economist, and post-doctoral fellow at INED since November 2023, who studies gender-specific economic effects of union dissolution after the age of 50, notably in France.
We interviewed Léa Cimelli, an economist, and post-doctoral fellow at INED since November 2023, who studies gender-specific economic effects of union dissolution after the age of 50, notably in France.
INED researcher Anne Gosselin tells us about the research project she’s conducting on workplace health issues with a community association called VoisinMalin [Wise neighbor].
An interview with Anne Lambert, in charge of INED’s Doctoral and Post-doctoral Affairs (Délégation des Affaires Doctorales et Post-doctorales) since the 1st of the year.
INED researcher Isabelle Séguy studies sociodemographic behaviors from a historical perspective using archeological data.
On November 15, 2022, the number of people on earth is expected to cross the threshold of 8 billion. By 2050 the world’s population should reach 9.7 billion, peaking at approximately 10.4 billion in the 2080s. A small number of countries will account for most of the increase. While some countries continue to grow rapidly, others are seeing their populations ...
Ankat Sikarwar, a postdoctoral research fellow at INED, has been awarded the prize for the best poster presented at the European Population Conference.
Chaque année, plusieurs centaines de milliers d'élèves de Terminale passent le bac. Devenu un véritable rite de passage national, le bac concerne plus des trois quart d'une génération mais n'est pas un rite égalitaire.
Population aged 15 or over by sex, age and cohabitation situation
Population of metropolitan France by regions and departements