
Number of results7656

Le vendredi 23 janvier 2009

A l'Ined de 14h - 17h15, salle Alfred Sauvy Bénédicte GARNIER, Ined •Introduction de la séance Hélène MATHIAN, Sandrine BERROIR, UMR 8504 Géographie-cites •Mobilités et polycentrisme métropolitain Christophe IMBERT, Migrinter CNRS UMR 6588 Migrations Internationales, Ined •Présentation d'indicateurs synthétiques de trajectoires issus de l'analyse spatiale Philippe GERBER, Olivier KLEIN, Marc SCHNEIDER, Département GEODE, CEPS / INSTEAD Luxembourg •De la dépendance automobile à la déformation ...


The link between partnership and mental well-being: When cohabitation is common, does marriage still matter?

The decline in marriage and increase in cohabitation raises questions about whether marriage still provides benefits to well-being in mid-life. We use the British Cohort Study 1970 to examine the extent to which partnership experiences influence positive mental health at age 42. Cohabitation has become common for this cohort; for example, around 21% of those currently in a partnership are ...


Transition To Adulthood among Descendants of Immigrants in France: The Role of Educational Attainments vs. Family Background

Patterns of transition to adulthood changed substantially in most Western countries from the late 1960s onwards. The emerging trend reveals more complex and longer transitions due to changes in norms, greater labor market insecurity and the increased cost of living. Socio-economic stratification and the cultural environment where people grow up play a crucial role in this process of transition to ...