Most INSEE surveys use the same set of questions to characterize the household’s components. You may access the TCM users’ website created by the project
Most INSEE surveys use the same set of questions to characterize the household’s components. You may access the TCM users’ website created by the project
INSEE provides individual data from censuses. Presentation of the census at INSEE Acces to microdata (in French) You may access the census users’ website created by the project
The annual registers of private-sector employees (DADS) contain data on wage employees. They have been expanded to include data on public sector employees and, for the Permanent Demographic Sample (EDP), transformed into a panel. Presentation of the Annual declaration of social data
CNAF has administrative data on recipients of family allowance funds that can be used for research purposes. The Big_Stat project has created a site for the CNAF data users. There you will find a description of the available files, documentation of the variables, and an explanation of the procedure to follow to access the data.
A partir des données des EAR de 2004 à 2016, j’ai identifié les jeunes natifs des Dom (18-34 ans) en métropole afin d’examiner leur conditions de logements et leur insertion professionnelle. Cependant, les enquêtes d’EAR ne permettant plus le suivi longitudinal des individus EDP, je souhaiterais poursuivre en examinant les données fiscales qui comportent une dimension annuelle et permettent de ...
Users meeting, 16/11/2021, @INED (salle Sauvy), 10h-17h - Program and slides EDP users meeting, 15/03/2018, @Insee (salle Malinvaud à Malakoff), 10h-13h - Program Big_Stat’s meeting "Young Adults" 04/10/2017 @INED, room 111, 9h30-12h30 Big_Stat project launching meeting’s report
contact us: Laurent Toulemon Giulia Ferrari
The réseau Quetelet disseminates data available for research. CASD collects and includes large amounts of nominative data. You can find other French or foreign data providers at the “Links” page.
La limitation des naissances en région parisienne au XIXe siècle Auteur : Sandra Brée