PAA 2005 Annual Meeting Program
2005 annual meeting program, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 31- April 2, 2005.
2005 annual meeting program, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 31- April 2, 2005.
2002 IUSSP - International Union for the Scientific Study of Population- Regional Population Conference Bangkok, Thailand, June 10-13, 2002.
Annual meeting program 2006, Los Angeles, California, March 30 - April 1, 2006
International Migrations: monitoring, Analysis and Prospects. 13th meeting of AIDELF in Budapest (Hongary), from September 20th to 24th 2004.
Kids of today :diverse environment, multiplicity of lifepaths. 11th Meeting of AIDELF, Dakar, Senegal, December 10 to 13th 2002.
Population and labour: demographic dynamics and activities, 14th AIDELF conference in Aveiro, Portugal, 18 to 23 September 2006.
The "Séminaire-Recherche" is a series of seminars organized by the INSEE research department. The meetings generally take place on Thursdays in amphitheatre 1 at ENSAE, 3 avenue Pierre Larousse, 92245 Malakoff Cedex . Its mission is to disseminate research work conducted in various fields, thereby promoting scientific debate not only within INSEE but also among statisticians, economists and sociologists.
Annual meeting programme 2007, New York, 29-31 March 2007.