The Odysséo catalogue allows users to identify and locate sources on the history of immigration in France from 1800 up to the present day: archives, manuscripts, posters, periodicals, iconography, audio documents and audiovisuals etc.
The Odysséo catalogue allows users to identify and locate sources on the history of immigration in France from 1800 up to the present day: archives, manuscripts, posters, periodicals, iconography, audio documents and audiovisuals etc.
Bibliographical database produced by the IFORD information and resource centre in Cameroon. It contains more than 20,000 references covering all areas of the population sciences.
The media centre contains references of monographs, theses, and grey literature in latin characters and Arabic script. It contains the collections of various member laboratories of the MMSH: LAMES, IDEMEC, TELEMME, IREMAM and CEMAF-Aix. It covers Mediterrannean studies related to the following disciplines: modern and contemporary history, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, the Arab and Muslim world and African studies.
This online catalogue brings together a collection of comparative studies on Eastern and Western Europe, a statistical library containing both national and international statistics for all European countries and on international organizations, along with an archive for various European documents (proceedings, programmes, statutes).
Union catalogue of Belgian university libraries, museums, archives, heritage institutions and the Royal Library, targeting both end users and library professionals.
A bibliographic database covering international scientific and technical literature, both articles and books, as well as French and European legislation on health and safety at the workplace.
The catalog contains journal articles, books, reports, dissertations, theses, audio recordings, videos and DVDs, as well as the collection of the journal "Etudes tsiganes" back to 1955.
This unique bibliographic database combines several tools: a database of legal texts, the former Toxibase, which has been maintained until 2006, and the OFDT in-house database. It covers various aspects related to the field of drugs: products, drug use and its consequences, public policy responses, etc.
Catalogue collectif des 4900 bibliothèques locales, universitaires et d'institutions publiques et privées qui participent au "Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale". Ouvert au public en 1997, il contient plus de 12 millions de notices bibliographiques. "Libro moderno" signale les monographies à partir de 1831 et les périodiques sans limites de date ; "Libro antico" signale les monographies éditées de la fin du XVe siècle à 1830.
Directory of libraries and documentation centres considered to be references in their specific fields and located in Paris and Ile-de-France. Information on each of them is provided: address, URL, opening hours, how to get there, fields covered, collection sizes, catalogue access.