Base documentaire VEI (Ville, Ecole, Intégration)
Bibliographical database containing references on immigration, the disadvantaged suburbs, urban policy, education and training
Bibliographical database containing references on immigration, the disadvantaged suburbs, urban policy, education and training
Computerized collective catalogue, including the collections of two central libraries: the Central Library and the Musée de l’homme library along with the specialized collections from various scientific departments. It contains more than 370,000 entries on ethnology, anthropology and prehistory. It lists books, publication series, theses, films, maps and off-prints from 1950 up to the present day.
The BDIC catalogue contains references of documents and audio-visual archives, books in latin characters published since 1970 and before, as well as books in cyrillic characters published after 1996 and periodicals, as well as a numeric library.
The General catalogue of the inter-University Libraries of medicine (BUIM) and of pharmacy (BIUP), which have been merged in 2011: The catalogue allows for a search either in both, or in one of the two catalogues, but also within specific collections.
The BIUM catalogue of historical documents contains nearly 340,000 books and theses published between 1477 and 1952, and 1,000 manuscripts produced between the 15th and 20th centuries. A digital library offers documents online.
The Institut Pasteur scientific media centre catalogue enables users to search for monographs : books, theses, conference proceedings, multimedia and periodical collections.
The MIGRINTER resource centre, Migrations internationales, espaces et sociétés, has been producing the Migrinternet database since 1996. It contains more than 11,000 references. The documentary server hosts the "Revue européenne des migrations internationals (REMI) database, a plain text base, taken from Migrinternet for full-text documents, and databases of the Euromaroc and Migrations Ouest-africaines networks.
The CIEMI documentary collections catalogue contains more than 80,000 references available from the online library.
Madis, the library portal of the research institute Ifsttar, enables to search the institutes scientific publications and library collections. Its research publications cover the areas of transportation, infrastructure, civil engineering, cities and environment. Madis provides access to full text documents, published in its open access repository HAL-Ifsttar.
This American public library holds an encyclopaedic collection of great linguistic diversity. The library’s online catalogue provides access to references on the social sciences, sociology, gender etc.