Chantal Cases
presents INED activities for the year 2015
presents INED activities for the year 2015
It is difficult to count people who have no home, especially if they have no place of shelter at all and are sleeping in the street. To learn more about them, INSEE and INED conducted several surveys with users of shelters and free meal services. The surveys have found a considerable increase in the number of homeless in France since 2001.
Nearly six in ten households own their home in France. Homeownership rose considerably after World War II, then came to a standstill in the mid-1980s. Today, an increasing share of the population is finding it hard to buy a home.
INED senior researcher France Prioux discusses parents’ ages when their children are born INED seminar about the publication of the "Dictionnaire de démographie et des sciences de la population" (Armand Collin, 2011).
Un inévitable conflit des générations ? par Carole Bonnet (2011). Durée : 13'10 from Ined on Vimeo. Carole Bonnet (chargée de recherche à l'Ined) vous parle de l'équité entre les générations. Séminaire Ined autour de la parution du "Dictionnaire de démographie et des sciences de la population" (Armand Collin, 2011).
INED senior researcher Henri Leridon discusses changes in the family INED seminar for the publication of the "Dictionnaire de démographie et des sciences de la population" (Armand Collin, 2011).
Short conference by Frank Temporal (INED) July 2014, at INED Duration: 13’20"
5 brief video presentations on young people today on the occasion of World Population Day, les "Rencontres de la démo 2014" Duration : 13’40 minutes Realisation: Arnaud Bigeard - Vidéogramme
5 brief video presentations on young people today on the occasion of World Population Day, les "Rencontres de la démo 2014" Duration : 17 minutes Realisation: Arnaud Bigeard - Vidéogramme
5 brief video presentations on young people today on the occasion of World Population Day, les "Rencontres de la démo 2014" Duration : 14 minutes Realisation: Arnaud Bigeard - Vidéogramme