
Number of results7656
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The Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF)

Founded in 1960, the CEVIPOF is a research laboratory at Sciences Po (the French national foundation of political sciences), which was affiliated to the CNRS (the French National Centre for Scientific Research) in 1968 and is essentially devoted to political studies. Its empirical and theoretical studies and its interdisciplinary approach allow for a deeper understanding of social and political change in contemporary democracies. It is also a ...

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Réseau Démographie AUF (Agence universitaire de la francophonie)

Founded in 1990, Réseau démographie aims to promote French-speaking scientific research in the field of population studies, to strengthen cooperation and build solidarity between demographers of the French-speaking world. Réseau démographie has more than 800 members and is run by a coordination committee comprising a coordinator Richard Marcoux (Université Laval, Québec), and the following members: Aziz Ajbilou (CERED, Rabat), Marc Pilon (IRD-UERD, Ouagadougou), Dominique Tabutin (Université Catholique de ...

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Asia Research Institute - ARI Research Cluster : Changing family in Asia

The Changing Family in Asia explores the dimensions of family change in the region, their causes and implications. The cluster has focused especially on changing marriage patterns in Asia, in recognition of the need to understand better the implications of the sharp delays in marriage through much of the region, changing forms of partnering and the increase in marriage across international and other boundaries. Another emerging ...