
Number of results7658
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African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a non-profit, non-governmental international organization committed to conducting high quality and policy-relevant research on population and health issues facing sub-Saharan Africa. The Center was established in 1995 as a Population Policy Research Fellowship program of the Population Council, with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. In 2001, it became an autonomous institution with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. APHRC’s research focuses ...

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Développement, Institutions et mondialisation (DIAL) – Unité mixte de recherche IRD – Université Paris Dauphine

The DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation) is a mixed research unit (UMR 225) gathering academics of the center Développement et Mondialisation of the research center LEDa (Laboratoire d’Economie) of the University of Dauphine and researchers of the IRD (Département Sociétés). The research at DIAL covers a variety of topics related to development economics and international economics. Its main focal points of research are the social and human ...

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Centre d’ études et de recherches démographiques (CERED)

The Centre d’études et de recherches démographiques (CERED) is a Moroccan demographic research centre whose primary mission is to collect and set up a common database for all information and studies related to population issues. It also disseminates study results in a form that is accessible to the general public. It makes projections and creates methods and programs which are indispensable for the development and follow-up ...

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Unité de Recherche Démographique (URD)

The Unité de Recherche Démographique (URD) is a research body of the Universtiy of Lomé in Togo. Founded in 1975, it aims to promote population research, notably studies to shed light on the links between demographic phenomena and economic and social development. URD’s activities include teaching/training, research, documentation, publishing, organization of seminars and network coordination. URD has an online bibliographic catalogue on topics relating to population and ...

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College of Population Studies

The College of Population Studies was established in 1966 as an autonomous research and training unit of Chulalongkorn University.  Its objectives are to promote public and official awareness, interest and knowledge concerning population matters in Thailand, to train persons in Thailand to conduct demographic research and to utilize demographic materials in both applied and scientific spheres, and to provide consultative and information services to the public, the ...