
Number of results7658
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Max Planck Research Network on Aging (MaxNetAging)

The MaxNetAging is a virtual institute for the advancement of research on the causes, patterns, processes, and consequences of aging. Founded in 2004, it provides a platform for an international collaboration endeavor between 18 Max Planck Institutes and outstanding scholars from other institutions. The network’s focus is interdisciplinary. MaxNetAging consists of a doctoral and postdoctoral stipend program, fellowships, research workshops, and annual conferences. Furthermore, a publication series will ...

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Conférence Universitaire de Démographie et d’Étude des Populations (CUDEP)

The CUDEP succeeded in 1993 in the Meeting of directors of institutes of demographics founded in 1958. This association consists of individuals who are or have been regular lessons on demography or population studies in a French institution of higher education. Its main object is to animate meetings on teaching and research in demography in higher education and to organize the national conference of Demography held every ...

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International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) was founded in 1993, upon the initiative of Austria and Switzerland to provide expertise and services for multilateral co-operation on migration and asylum issues. ICMPD today is an international organisation headquartered in Vienna with 15 Member States, a mission in Brussels and representatives covering countries of the former Yugoslavia, Lebanon and the Middle East, Tunisia and Maghreb. In addition, ...

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Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (Gis- IReSP)

Created in 2004, the French Institute for Public Health Research remodelled itself as a Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) in 2007. Its objective is to develop and promote French research into public health, through a partnership that respects the autonomy of involved institutions. Its aims are : To define a scientific policy for public health research To develop a policy for collective management of tools To set up activities for ...

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European Migration Network (EMN)

The European Migration Network meets the information needs of Union institutions and of Member States’ authorities and institutions by providing up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum, with a view to supporting policymaking in the European Union in these areas. The EMN also serves to provide the general public with such information. The EMN produces yearly Annual Policy Reports, Studies, on topics relevant to policymakers, ...