2nd User Conference of the GGP
The conference provides a forum for exchange of ideas among existing as well as new potential GGP users, policy makers and the research community at large.
The conference provides a forum for exchange of ideas among existing as well as new potential GGP users, policy makers and the research community at large.
Les doctorants de l'Ined organisent une journée de restitution de leurs résultats.
Date butoir de l'appel à contribution : le 15 novembre 2013
Séance 10 : Génétique, microbiologie et modélisations
Séminaire de l'Unité Migrations Internationales et Minorités [EN]
The XXVII International Population Conference will include over 2000 scientific papers presented in 270 regular sessions, 4 poster sessions, and 4 plenary sessions on topics in 21 themes including reproductive health, mortality, longevity and health, population ageing, migration, union formation and marriage, as well as themes addressing the interrelationship between population, development and the environment.
IMISCOE 10 th Annual Conference, 2013, Workshop 12
"Trajectoires et âges de la vie" Call for paper before the 20th of September 2013
Colloque à l’Ined avec le soutien de l'IEC et du GID-Île-de-France
Colloque des doctorants du Ceped 2013 (CoDoCe)