Men have children later than women
Des différences d’âge dans les comportements de fécondité apparaissent entre hommes et femmes
Des différences d’âge dans les comportements de fécondité apparaissent entre hommes et femmes
answers our questions about the newest INED publication, Parcours de familles
by Cris Beauchemin (INED) The 18th of March 2016, Workshop "Crise des migrants: décentrer le regard"by the Research Unit "International migrations and minorities" and the "International Perspectives" research group Duration : 34’
In the continuing commemoration of this anniversary, the December 2016 issue of Population featured a 1946 article by Jean Meuvret, « Les crises de subsistances et la démographie de la France de l’Ancien Régime » [Subsistence crises and demography in Ancien Regime France], commented on by Christine Théré and Isabelle Séguy.
A conference by François Bourguignon (PSE) at INED, May 29, 2016 Duration:1 H
by Paul-André Rosental Date:September 22, 2015 Duration : 15’
by Henri Léridon, Ined Date:September 22, 2015 Duration:23’ 30"
by Cécile Lefèvre (Paris-Descarte-INED) and Stephane Legleye (INED) September 22, 2015, INED 70th birthday Duration : 26’ 30"