
Number of results7656
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L’Observatoire des Retraites (OR)

The French observatory on retirement was created in 1991 by the Agirc and Arrco complementary pension schemes in order to: promote research and analysis of both French and foreign funded and pay-as-you-go systems; facilitate access to reliable information on retirement. The website offers access to a bibliography referencing documents on retirement, to French and international statistical data and a tool for comparing the European, American, Canadian ...

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L’Assurance retraite

The CNAV manages the pension schemes of workers who fall under the general social security scheme. It tracks wage employees’ pension entitlements, makes pension payments and supports vulnerable pensioners. It also compiles statistics and makes projections on the financial prospects of the general social security scheme. The CNAV research department carries out studies on the social aspects of population ageing. It provides access to institutional publications, reports and other documents. A list of websites on social welfare and retirement in France and Europe is also available.


Testing the Relationship between Intermarriage and Socio-cultural Integration in Catalonia, Spain. A Multi-method Analysis

Séminaire de l'unité MIM. Conférence de Dan Rodriguez-Garcia -Associate Professor, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Autonomous University of Barcelona Discutante : Beate Collet, Maître de conférences, Université Paris-Sorbonne et membre du GEMASS (UMR 8598) For over a century, social scientists have claimed that patterns of intermarriage are one of the most important tests for determining societal structure and for exposing social boundaries. Further, intermarriage is thought to be ...