
Number of results7927

INED creates a website for international data on the demography of deaths related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Since the pandemic began, many countries have provided daily counts of COVID-19-related deaths. To go further, in accordance with its missions to disseminate demographic knowledge, INED’s scientific community is working to provide free access to data organized by sex, age group, and place of COVID-19-related deaths. For now, these data concern Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, but other countries should ...


Pakistan: A population giant falling
behind in its demographic transition

Authors: Anne Goujon, Asif Wazir and Nicholas Gailey To the surprise of many observers, Pakistan’s last census revealed faster-than-expected population increases. High fertility continues to drive substantial population growth in the world’s fifth most populated country. Anne Goujon, Asif Wazir, and Nicholas Gailey describe Pakistan’s demographic changes over the last 3 decades and offer possible explanations for its slow demographic transition. Pakistan’s last ...