
Number of results7927

2019 : Growing old in a couple - Anr Vieillir à deux

  Thursday, 14th 9h15 Welcome coffee and introduction 9h30 Session 1: Couple formation and break-up after 50 (chair to be confirmed) Keynote speaker : Susan Brown (Bowling Green State University)  "The Gray Divorce Revolution: Trends and Consequences" 11h Carole Bonnet (Ined) “Couple formation after 50 in France: gendered effects of income and marital status” with Fanny Godet (Insee) and Anne Solaz (Ined)  11h45 Giulia Ferrari (Ined) ...


Transnational families living between Africa and Europe

A study in the framework of the Migrations between Africa and Europe or MAFE research program on how families of Congolese, Ghanaian, and Senegalese migrants function has shown that sub-Saharan migrants often opt for transnational lives in which the migrants and their family members decide to live in several locations, with some nuclear family members (spouses, children) living in Europe while the others remain in Africa (Mazzucato et al, 2018).