
Number of results7656

Questionnaire modules

With similar research objectives, and with the aim of updating the 2008-2009 data, the TeO2 survey is a continuation of the TeO1 questionnaire and uses its main modules. Profile of dwelling inhabitants (THL) Income Nationality and origin of parents  Languages Migratory paths, relationship to country of origin Family relationships and transmissions Conjugal life Your children Self-image and the opinion of others Education Professional life Religion  Housing and lifestyle Civic life Health Discrimination Social relationships and cultural practices


Everyone is equal: Colour-blind attitudes in welfare practices with migrants

Intervenante : Carolin Schütze, de Lund University. In this presentation I will present a paper that explores the relationship between colour-blind attitudes and self-reported perceptions of encounters between majority and immigrant populations in Sweden. I build on existing studies showing that colour-blindness often functions as a strategy to appear unbiased while holding prejudicial attitudes. Using original survey data of welfare workers ...